

WRPC cooperates with overseas countries suffering from water shortages and deterioration of water environment, making use of its water technologies such as desalination of sea water and re-use of sewage and industrial waste water. Its cooperative activities include the dispatch of experts and joint research projects.
WRPC also invites government officials and experts from overseas to come to Japan to spread Japanese water technologies and to give technical training. In this way, WRPC does everything that it can to contribute to international cooperation.

International Cooperation Projects
‚PF Research cooperation regarding Simple Water Purification Systems for Industrial wastewater (Malaysia)
‚QF Research cooperation Project on an Environment-compatiple Type, Waste-Resource Effective Utilization System (Philippines)
‚RF Practical use of Industrial Waste Water Trentment Technology for Prevention of Global Warming (Thailand)
‚SF Conferences on Technical Information Exchange (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Japan)
‚TF Survey on Pretreatment of Oil-contaminated SWRO Desalination (Oman)
‚UF Technical Cooperation of Water Technology (Taiwan)
‚VF Technical Cooperation for the Project on The Industrial Water Technology Institute (Thailand)
‚WF Training of Engineers from Abroad in the Field of Reuse of Wastewater and Effective use of Water
‚XF Dispatch of water Treatment and Reuse Exports
10F Others

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