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Standardization of water reuse (ISO: International Organization of Standardization)

1. Significance of the standardization project
Global contribution is required to be promoted in the field of water reuse, in response to worldwide water shortage. That is why the standardization project for water reuse is promoted jointly by the public and private sectors in Japan with Japanese advanced technologies.

2. Activities of Japan and WRPC
To develop and publish ISO in the field of water reuse, TC282 (Technical Committee 282) was set up in May 2013, and Israel was appointed as chair, and China and Japan were appointed as executive secretaries. In TC282, Japan’s team is managed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and is mainly developing the standards on the platform of SC3 (Sub-Committee 3) “Evaluation of Risk and Performance.”
WRPC participates in the development of “the guidelines for water reuse technologies” Part 1 (general concept) and Part 2 (the method for evaluating environmental ability) and also leads the development of methods for evaluating elemental technologies such as membrane treatment, ozone treatment, ultraviolet disinfection and ion exchange.